Building Owners & Landlords
Information for renters
We hope all of our clients take pride in their properties, whether it is their own home or rental property. db Home Improvements performs high quality craftsmanship with a full service capacity.
Why did we stop doing free estimates for landlords and building owners?
Some landlords are interested in doing less quality work in order to fill vacant space as quickly as possible. However, if you are a long-term landlord and/or would like top choice tenants by offering premium beauty, quality, and a hassle-free experience, we might be the right people for you. Our $150 estimate fee is refundable if you decide to hire us for your project.
If you are a landlord with an insurance claim, get more information here.

There’s no substitute for experience. If you add up all the combined years of experience between all our team members, the results are in the hundreds. That’s a team you can trust to get the job done exactly how you want it. If you are looking for a high level service company with quality workmanship that is a pleasure to work with give us a call. You’ll be glad you did!