Read what clients say about working with db Home Improvements and their new windows and doors.
Answering Your Questions
It is not cheap to get and keep good help. Our scrupulous choices are reflected in our reviews. When the time comes to integrate new workers into our workforce we start with a rigorous interview process.
Our evaluation process brings an awareness to us about the individuals qualities. We evaluate each applicant every step of the way. We assess skill level and critical thinking. We require a background check and a drug test. The applicant then starts a probationary hiring status. Since we complete one job before starting the next we do not leave new workers on the job without a seasoned and trusted veteran present.
After attending AI Prince Tech for general trades majoring in carpentry, blue print reading and estimating. I annually complete continuing education to maintain my state certification. After years in the home improvement industry and two decades of owning and operating a successful home improvement business I understand that there is no substitute for experience.
Yes. Many small simple jobs have standard pricing while larger projects need to be looked at a bit closer. Often larger more complicated jobs are a series of smaller projects that need to tie in together. The more standardized pricing we can use the quicker we can give an estimate.
Back in grade school my father was a truck driver for Coca Cola. I knew I did not want to do that. Walking to school one day I saw Vintage Homes starting to build a new house and I was fascinated. The excavation alone was the envy of most boys dreams. The fascinating part for me was the building, more specifically the tools and the speed of accomplishment. So much so that I was not discouraged by the hand saw in shop class. I knew those days would be short lived once I got my power tools. In the 8th grade I got my first table saw. To this day, if there is a tool to increase production, I have it.
We have worked with just about everyone. Retirees, Snowbirds, First time homeowners, Mail men, Land fill workers, Nurses, Kennel owners, Restaurant owners, Car dealership owners, Trucking company owners, Veterinarians, Anesthesiologists, Doctors, Business men from middle management through Vice presidents, Chief financial officers, Lawyers, Captains of industry, Town managers, Engineers and more, too many to list. We never ask what anyone’s profession or career is.
We just had 6” gutters installed on our home, it took around 6 hours. I am very fond of it because my wife was so happy to have them completed.
We have all heard it, “most new businesses fail” It is true, not just limited to new business. I have seen contractors come and go and I have cleaned up the mess they left in their wake. Why is this? The why of it is exactly why you need to stay on guard.
I find it a good practice to deal with people that have the capacity to be honest. Early honesty detection has served me well when dealing with others. What is in a name? I have noticed many businesses using false claims in their name. For example “Always”, the only companies that should use a name like “Always” should be service providers like alarm companies; they normally always monitor your home. Or “Affordable”, maybe they are, but not to everyone. If you think someone has misrepresented their services it can be an indicator that something will go wrong with the company.
Mismanagement of funds or not quoting jobs correctly, two biggest killers of contractors. Contractors tend to use new deposits to complete previous jobs. Their work may be good and customers may be happy for a while. As long as they get new jobs they may finish the previous ones. This may go on for some time, but it will fail and costs consumers in the form of unfinished and or substandard work..
The state of Florida had previously used a part of contractors licensing fees to fund a “Homeowners Victim Fund”. As it was, if a homeowner was left on the short end of the stick, and the contractor had a valid license the state would pay for corrections. The fund ran dry and the program was discontinued. That level of depletion coming from state licensed contractors was a shock to me. It goes to show just how bad it is out there.
I see Google guaranties consumer purchases from trusted sites. I am confident that Amazon will not be changing their name too soon. I also see online contractor services offering some sort of guarantee if the homeowner hires through their service. I might find some time to read the fine print on the deal, but I already know that several online services have changed their name. They are the same ones that have been around since the beginning. They get shut down or bad word of mouth causes homeowners to stop using them. Then the same people start a new service overnight with a new name. So what is stopping them from changing again? Also, to complicate matters further, offers of reimbursement for a project gone wrong are being made from companies not residing in Florida. This makes claiming reimbursement an interstate ordeal that will be difficult for the state of Florida to enforce.
Until the Fed’s set some regulation, you may be on your own.
I know this type of homeowner reimbursement guarantee failed for the state of Florida and Connecticut. I know that there are no insurance companies that will write such policies. If the state or the insurance industry won’t touch it, I cannot imagine who in their right mind would. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for such claims to be honored.
I have heard it said people should be sure to get the most recent customer reviews. The thinking behind this is that things should be good with the contractor right now. Recent reviews do not speak as loudly regarding financial stability.
Old reviews hold more value than current reviews, both work best.
If you sense something could go wrong with whoever you are thinking of hiring go with your feeling and continue searching. Find a company that makes you comfortable with your decision. By the way, same goes for marriage.
Visit this link to estimate your current energy cost and potential savings after replacing your old windows with the new Restorations line.
It’s a measure of resistance to the flow of heat through a given thickness of a material (as insulation) with higher numbers indicating better insulating properties.
It measures the heat transmission through a building part (as a wall or window) or a given thickness of a material (as insulation) with lower numbers indicating better insulating properties.
There’s no substitute for experience. If you add up all the combined years of experience between all our team members, the results are in the hundreds. That’s a team you can trust to get the job done exactly how you want it. If you are looking for a high level service company with quality workmanship that is a pleasure to work with give us a call. You’ll be glad you did!